1. The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails.

2. To understand this phenomenon we must look at our society's insistence that women are only valuable when they are attractive and useful to men.

3. There is a leisure boom in Japan, and like many national trends here it is largely a government-led phenomenon.

4. Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.

5. "But I believe that all the answers lie in human error, mechanical problems, strange atmospheric events, or unusual magnetic phenomenon."

6. Yet, political activity among Kenyan women is not a new phenomenon.

7. Out where there is no air, this phenomenon does not take place.
    在那遥远没有空气的地方, 不发生这种现象.

8. It also provides----and some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon----an escape of another kind.